Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Why is it that we always want to convince others about what we are and what we are  not...

When we want something we want it.. why is it that we have to explain to others the reasons behind the need. . To get a convincing yes "Yah.. thats good for you" as an answer..

I am bored doing this..

Finally found a place where I can be myself...Let me write whatever I feel like and whenever I feel like..

Being Myself ...................


  1. Its nt actually a question of "wanting" to convince others, so much as that of "havin" to convince thm... these ideas of right and wrong get stuffed into our brains at an early age, and we try to conform to those norms witout really questionin whos ideas of right and wrong they actually are...

  2. I am gonna fly beyond these norms in this space of freedom

  3. gud idea keeping ur full name next to tht decision of urs, madam!
