Friday, 17 May 2013

Reels of a Luv Story...... 

She had come to the telephone booth troubled with the happenings of the past few days, and now she was returning home like a person who achieved everything that she wanted in her life.

He had been avoiding her for the past few days. She kept wondering if she had done something wrong which hurt him. . .

The usual busy weekend seemed to be too long than usual. She just wanted to get back to work and get a glimpse of him too see if he smiles back…
Finally she decided she could wait no longer... Got out of the house and walked towards the telephone booth at the end of the lane…

She was scared he might not pick the call. . Her voice froze when he answered the call... managed to say “Hello… “

He was surprised that she called… he had been thinking of her throughout the day… he knew he had hurt her …

 “What did I do to you… why is it that I feel you are ignoring me for the past few days…” She wiped the tears which rolled off her cheeks…

He didn't know what to reply… he cared for her more than anything else in this world…

He called her name… the passion in the voice swept away the tears of the past two days…
“I am scared …I am getting too close to you…”

She replied “I know that … Why are you scared for that… Even I feel the same for you…Why do you have to run away from me…”
“I can’t get married to you... I am not made for that…I have a dream to fulfil a life that I want to live without the burdens of a normal life. ..”

She dint know what to say …was trying to understand what he just said…
For her life was not all that complicated…she always wanted a simple life where she was happy with the person whom she loved…“I love you a lot that’s all I know … I want to be with you as long as I can…”

He couldn't say “No” to her…deep down that’s what he wanted…
“Yes lets be with each other as long as we can…”
They dint know then that this was a decision of a life time…a decision they never regretted…

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